Thursday, 27 September 2012

-the mood for the web was sutable with the company
-the design was different with other

-the templet was simple and nice
-the image and the overal mood was match

-simple but clear
-enough information without lot words

-it make the web lookes high class
-without word but with only image can show what web is it

-simple but enough information
-clear to look

-color mood was sutable
-have enough info to let people see

-simple,with few image can show what web is it without wording
-the image look nice and make consumer wanna to but it
-the color was very match

-simple with only one color but nice and look comfortable
-with home page can see what the web is it 

Friday, 14 September 2012
-nice background with the color mode
-it show the new product and other at front page
-focus on the selling point
-special way to promote the car
-make the car look future
-make the product look high class
-simple but clear on product
-color mode
-accord with the brand
-color look comfortable
-high quality image
-have spacing,not too pack

Thursday, 13 September 2012
-clear information for looking product
-background image wrong size
-simple, look comfortable
-easy way to let consumer look forward
-font a bit pack, hard to read
-have information on the first page,but not direct product
-have showing the herbe to let people learn for it
-not too many navigation but enough to let consumer look for it

Wednesday, 16 May 2012